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Sponsor TNR Stray Paws Focus Area


TNR (trap-neuter-return)

Your compassionate donation has the power to impact the lives of countless feral friends in our community. Stray Paws Animal Haven is on a mission to tackle the urgent cat overpopulation issue through our vital Trap-Neuter-Return (TNR) program.

Why Donate?

Control Colony Growth: Your contribution directly supports our efforts in controlling the unchecked growth of cat colonies, preventing the perpetuation of the heartbreaking cycle of overpopulation.

Comprehensive Care: Stray Paws TNR provides essential spay/neuter services, injury care, and vaccinations for a community of cats that often goes unnoticed. Your support ensures their well-being and safeguards against the spread of diseases.

Relieving Shelter Pressure: By donating, you help alleviate the strain on local shelters struggling with an overwhelming demand for cat spots. This enables shelters in our vicinity to better care for and find homes for the cats already within their care.


Impact of Your Donation: Every generous contribution counts! With each Spay Shuttle launch, you personally prevent 35 cats from perpetuating the destructive cycle of overpopulation. Your support means fewer tragic losses, injuries, and the spread of disease among our feline companions.

Stray Paws Animal Haven is immensely grateful for every donation. Your support fuels our mission and directly transforms the lives of needy cats.


Make a Difference Today!

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